Lacey Buchanan


Leading the Blind

On February 18th, 2011, our lives were changed forever when our son Christian Taylor Buchanan entered the world. He was born with a bilateral cleft palate and lip and almost completely blind. This blog is the story of his life, the joys we share, the challenges we encounter, and the amazing and trying journey ahead of our family!

When God Takes Away

If you have lived long enough, you have experienced loss on some level. I can think of several times in my life that I have lost

"He Should've Been Aborted"

There has been a lot of heated debate lately on my social media accounts about children with special needs. What could anyone possibly find to debate about them, you wonder? Their value and worth. Oy!Shocking as it is, it's the truth. I have heard it all of Christian's life. The argument is always  that parents who carry children with disabilities ...

To My Child Who Lives in The Shadow of His Brother's Disability

Chandler, my child. My wild one. My all-boy, car loving, star wars obsessed, sweet, three-year-old.You have spent your entire life living in the shadow of Christian's disability. It's all you've ever known. You have slept on hospital couches, ridden literally thousands upon thousands of miles to make Christian's appointments, and spent most of your time as second string to Christian's ...

People with Disabilities ARE Inherently Inspiring

There has been this, sort of, trend in the disabled community to "stop telling disabled peoplethat they are inspiring." The premise is one that I respect. People with disabilities are just people and they want to be treated like everyone else. I can understand how it might be considered insulting for someone to just walk up to you and start ...

Feeling Defeated: An Update on The Nursing Appeal

Photo Credit To Lacey Orchid PhotographyI received the appeal packet for Christian's nursing appeal today, have read through all 200 pages and I am feeling defeated before this appeal hearing even happens. Not because Christian doesn't qualify or need the nursing hours, but because the way the rules are written, they make it nearly impossible to overcome. He not only ...

What Nursing Means to Me

Christian and his nurse, Carolyn at school.Shared with permissionSome of you guys have been keeping up with the issues we've been having with her insurance trying to cut our private duty nursing hours and I wanted to discuss a little about our nurses.Some of you might be wondering what exactly private duty nursing even is. Everybody's familiar with nurses, but ...
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